Whereas, members of the Seattle Sounders have organized themselves in an organization known as the Seattle Sounders Football Club Alliance ("SSFC Alliance" or "Alliance"); and
Whereas, the Seattle Sounders Football Club ("Club") supports Democracy in Sports; and
Whereas, the Club benefits from having an organized membership base that has a voice in matters concerning the Club and its operations; and
Whereas, members of the Club benefit from having an opportunity and a method of voicing their opinions on matters regarding the Club; and
Whereas, the Alliance has established a solid foundation and method for members of the Club to accomplish these goals;
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, the Seattle Sounders Football Club hereby recognizes the SSFC Alliance as the representative of its members, namely the fans, supporters, and greater community of the Club.
The Club hereby delegates the following general powers to the Alliance:
- The right to decide on the retention of the Club's General Manager via an Alliance-wide vote as scheduled by the Club, but not sooner than every four years.
- The right to decide, via methods determined by the Alliance, two of the Club's charitable partners annually.
- The right to advise, via methods determined by the Alliance, matters regarding game-day experience.
- The right to decide other matters that primarily affect supporters fan experiences.
The Club retains full control over all other areas, including, but not limited to on-field decisions such as, technical decisions regarding player selection/retention, coaching staff selection and retention, lineup decisions; and business and revenue related decisions such as, ticket availability and pricing, sponsorships and partnerships, broadcast decisions, scheduling, game locations ("Non-Alliance Matter").
The Club recognizes that the Alliance may express opinions on any subject, including those areas that are solely within the control of the Club. These opinions are non-binding on the Club but the Club values the Alliance's input and concerns. The Alliance may, at its own discretion, formulate and express these concerns via an Alliance-membership-wide vote, or be represented by the Alliance Council on various issues.
When issue from Alliance is brought forth to Club, the Club will acknowledge receipt of the issue in writing, and 1) agree it warrants being put forth to Alliance for vote as compliant with the powers of the Alliance, or 2) determine it to be a Non-Alliance Matter), in which case the Club will request the Alliance to either redraft the issue to be compliant with Alliance powers, or the Alliance may take and advisory opinion vote.
The Club will attempt to advocate the Alliance's expressed positions and opinions whenever possible with reference to matters regarding MLS, CONCACAF, USSF, and FIFA. The Alliance recognizes and understands that many matters in regards to these authorities are beyond the control or influence of the Club and that the Club is bound by the policies of these authorities.
Additionally, the Club's ability to allow the Alliance power or advocate for the Alliance's interests must operate within the bounds of the unique nature of the MLS's single entity ownership structure; however, within the bounds of this structure, the Club will endeavor to represent the Alliances' interests.
It is the goal of the Club and the Alliance that this partnership both strengthens and improves the Seattle Sounders Football Club, Major League Soccer, and soccer throughout the United States.